Policy Connect – Upskilling Industry: Manufacturing Productivity And Growth In England

The Manufacturing Commission calls for greater support for businesses to navigate further education reforms and upskill their workforce for a digital future.

The report makes recommendations to government, calling for:

  • Support for SMEs in the manufacturing sector to help upskill their workforce, including incentives to deliver T-Levels and host Skills Bootcamps.
  • Greater flexibility in the use of the Apprenticeship Levy funds, including ring-fencing of unused Levy funding for investment in wider upskilling.
  • A national campaign to increase the uptake of STEM subjects by women and people of minority ethnic backgrounds.
  • Appointment of a government manufacturing ‘Champion’ to raise awareness of the manufacturing sector in schools and promote the role that the manufacturing sector is playing in combatting the climate crisis.

For more information please click here.

Policy Connect - Upskilling Industry: Manufacturing Productivity And Growth In England

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