Kent & Medway Manufacturing Focus Group (KMFG)

We prioritise the attendance of manufacturing and engineering organisations in the first instance at these events.  If we reach maximum numbers a waiting list will be put in place and you will be notified by email. 

** Only registered attendees will be admitted to the event ** Please book your place now to avoid disappointment.

Pictures may be taken at this event. If you do not wish your picture to be taken, please let us know ahead of the event.

Bookings will remain open until the event itself, but please note that if you book with less than 24 hours to go, your name won’t be on the “Signing in Sheet” and you won’t have a “Name Badge” on arrival.

Kent & Medway Manufacturing Focus Group (KMFG) is a networking and business group for Manufacturing & Engineering organisations across Kent and Medway offering a unique access to peers and colleagues, sector specific information, advice and support.

The group meets every last Wednesday of the month, either in person or online, see our website for details of future events

KMFG is open to all organisations operating or directly supporting the Manufacturing and Engineering sector in Kent & Medway, whether they are chamber members or not.

Join us for our July in-person KMFG and our SUMMER BBQ!

Come along to relax in the pleasant surroundings of The Hub at the Kent Science Park and enjoy a delicious Summer BBQ.

Food and refreshments will be provided on arrival as well as the opportunity to network with other local business representatives before our keynote speakers.

Venue – The Hub, Kent Science Park, ME9 8PX

KMFG will enable the Manufacturing & Engineering sector to influence in a more concerted way the different agenda’s that are key to business growth and success.

Guest Speaker

Gina English, Social Enterprise Kent (SEK)

Gina is fuelled by her enthusiasm for making a positive impact through her work at SEK, where she plays a pivotal role in marketing. Eager to champion SEK and the broader realm of social enterprise, Gina finds joy in disseminating the organisation’s message.

Gina actively collaborates with corporate organisations, working in partnership to develop social value strategies. Her goal is to implement programmes that align with their social value, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives.

Gina will be sharing what SEK stands for; their ethos, and the culture that drives them as well as highlighting their contributions to the Kent community and how they support commercial companies in delivering social value.

She’ll discuss how they leverage their 40 years of connections to create impactful projects in targeted demographics and sectors including case studies of their bespoke projects that have achieved fantastic outcomes and insights on integrating social value into businesses, regardless of budget size.


Andrew Metcalf, Maxim PR

Andrew Metcalf, Managing Director of Maxim PR and Deputy Chair of Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, will be joining us to provide a regional Economic Update.





To book your place please click here.