British Chambers of Commerce – Skills Hub

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Local Skills Improvement Plan
by Sarah Parrish

The Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce is the Employer Representative Body for the Kent & Medway Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP), putting the voice of local employers at the heart of the learning and skills system.

Attracting and retaining people with the rights skills is crucial for businesses. The British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) and its network of accredited chambers are working to connect employers to skills and people to jobs.  There are many ways in which this can be achieved.  BCC have a dedicated Skills Hub to support this initiative with information on the work of the LSIPs, advice on the new T Levels Qualification and other valuable resources including a guide explaining how employers can work with schools, colleges and universities, and the wider skills system, to benefit their business.  Please click here for further advice and support – BCC Skills Hub

You can also contact your local Kent & Medway LSIP Team by emailing  We are here to help and to drive growth in our local communities.  Please do get in touch.